Hello Haliburton Lake community members! We are finally excited to officially introduce ourselves as the new Fort Irwin Marina owners. We are John, Michelle, Jackson, and Taya, a family originally from Stoney Creek, a small town outside of Hamilton, Ontario. We've been visiting Haliburton Lake for the past decade and have always considered it our happy place.
Last year, the marina went up for sale, and as they say, the rest is history. We're extremely excited to move up here full-time to immerse ourselves in this quiet community. We love everything that the lake has to offer year-round, the nature and life that surrounds it. Owning a marina seemed like a natural decision for our family as we love cottaging, boating, the outdoors, and meeting new people. When we heard the Marina was for sale, we jumped at the opportunity.
Being a part of this community on a full-time basis now gives us the opportunity to do that full-time, and to live a life with our children that we've always enjoyed. We are also looking forward to the idea of applying what we've been taught to date, both in life and business, and finding a happy medium to continue with the legacy of Fort Irwin Marina.
Haliburton Lake is a treasured place that has been enjoyed by families for generations, and we have witnessed firsthand how the community has welcomed new and friendly faces and opened its hearts and doors to those who want to enjoy the traditions of the lake and surrounding areas. As a family-owned marina, we are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of Haliburton Lake, service its community members, look forward to meeting and making new friends, and establishing strong and lasting relationships in the process!
Monday 9:00 - 5:00
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 9:00 - 5:00
Thursday 9:00 - 5:00
Friday 9:00 - 5:00
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:00
Closed for the Season
Reopening May 2025
© 2024 All Rights Reserved | Fort Irwin Marina